Monday, May 26, 2008
Practical 8 is a website for Singaporean to talk anything about Singapore, from polictical to businesses. Some Singaporean may find it rude to comment about political problem and making fun of it but for those for participate in it will have their own way of thinking. It is the only way they can voice out their opinion on something they disagree with the goverment as the opposition party in Singapore is not strong. Hence that is their only way to voice out. On the other hand, foreigners may think that it is ridiculous for singaporean to laugh at singapore. As Singaporean should stand hand-in-hand with the government and not making fun of it. They might be laughing at the foolish things inside The games found is also criticising certain issues. Some people might find it fun but at the same time it is also rude. Some of the people treat this web as an entertainment web during break to keep onself refresh as the topic discussed is rather funny and entertaining.
5/26/2008 02:31:00 AM

The Girl
Temasek Polytechnic

Her Exits

Her Past
  • May 2008

  • Her Trace
  • Practical 9After so many lessons of UIR i find tha...
  • My Dream HolidayIf i can afford to go travelling i...
  • Blog Activity
  • If I have $500
  • Blog Activity 1
  • Introduction

  • Credits
    designer: smallyliela
    image: x
    brushes:x x x
    codes: x