Monday, May 12, 2008
In this past 2 lessons we have to surf on internet search facilities. The 3 search facilities we had done is search engines, meta search engines and subject directories. All of them are used to find information on the internet but some are rather specified. All has its own advantages and disadvantages, nothings is perfect.

The search engine i used is google and i find it rather convenient. Everything related to the search can be found and it contains millions of pages. The search engine software find matches to the search terms and rank it in order of what the program believes to be the most relevant. It shows almost everything including video, articles and even blog. The search is very wide.

Meta search engine gets the result from many different search engines such as yahoo, google, msn and many others. It is much more focused.

Subject directories is the most effective search facilities. The search result is organized from the more general to the more specific which saves times in browsing.
5/12/2008 05:45:00 AM

The Girl
Temasek Polytechnic

Her Exits

Her Past
  • May 2008

  • Her Trace
  • If I have $500
  • Blog Activity 1
  • Introduction

  • Credits
    designer: smallyliela
    image: x
    brushes:x x x
    codes: x